Serving size 2
2 Chicken Breast
Quinoa Flakes
Chili flakes
6 eggs (2 egg yolk : 6 egg whites)
- Cut the chicken into strip size of choice pieces – a good indication is a size of your pointing finger.
- Remove 4 egg yolks when placing all remaining eggs into a bowl and stir until all mixed together.
- Prepare a bowl with a cup of quinoa flakes and a tea spoon (more if wanted) of chili flakes – mix well.
- Like crumbing fish; dip strips of chicken one at a time into the egg followed by the mix of quinoa and chili flake mix before placing onto a above medium frying pan. cook with oil of choice; we use coconut or olive.
- Cook until golden in colour – roughly 3-4 minutes each side, depending on thickness of strips.
- Add your own herb and spices.
- Served well with avocado and salad.
- Perfect for meal prepping.